Viewing Formatter



by andre_601

How to install the Formatter expansion:

As this is a verified expansion you have two possible ways of installation.

In-game: You can run these commands to download and install:

/papi ecloud download Formatter

/papi reload

Manual: Simply click the green download button to download the expansion, then copy the expansion to the /plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions/ folder.

Then run the /papi reload command.


Expansion allowing you to fomat numbers and text in various different ways. Placeholders using the bracket format ({placeholder}) are supported.

Currently supported Number formattings:
- Format number by adding dividers for x numbers (i.e. 1000 -> 1,000)
- Convert a number from one time unit to another
- Rounding
- Shorten (i.e. 1000 -> 1k)
- Convert to a collection of time units (i.e. 100 -> 1m 40s)

Currently supported Text formattings:
- Capitalize the first letter of a string
- Get the length of a string
- Lowercase a string
- Replace one set of characters with another
- Get a specific section of a string (Substring)
- Uppercase a string



View the full list of Placeholders here.

Version 2.7.0 Release Notes

- Renamed package from `com.andre601.formatterexpansion` to `ch.andre601.formatterexpansion` - Added `shorten.rounding_mode` to allow changing the rounding mode of the shorten number placeholder. - A new placeholder variant called `%formatter_number_shorten_<rounding_mode>_<number>%` was added to allow changing the rounding mode per-placeholder.

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